"February 2011
In recent years, Wisconsin has experienced tremendous progress in our efforts to best meet the needs of
young children and their families. Through broad expansion of four-year-old kindergarten, the
establishment of the Wisconsin Department of Children and Families, expanded access to health care
through BadgerCare Plus, the creation of the Governor’s Early Childhood Advisory Council (ECAC), and the introduction of YoungStar, the state’s quality rating and improvement system for child care, we are continuing to strengthen Wisconsin’s system of early childhood services, care, and education. These
model early learning standards serve as a core foundation of our efforts to help children learn and grow up healthy in Wisconsin.
On behalf of the Governor’s Early Childhood Advisory Committee, we are pleased to introduce the latest edition of the Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards (WMELS). Through a unique collaboration of our departments, early childhood educators, and child care professionals, the standards were originally established in 2003 and revised in 2008. The second edition more fully included infants and toddlers and added a developmental continuum to each of the performance standards along with examples of child behavior and adult strategies.
The 2010 edition adds new language that addresses the alignment with the academic Wisconsin Common Core Standards, minor content corrections, and many updates in hyperlinks. Additionally, WMELS has an extensive website (http://www.collaboratingpartners.com/wmels-about.php) that provides information on curriculum alignment and statewide training efforts.
Thank you for your commitment to providing high quality early childhood experiences to our young
children. We are proud to work with you and your programs and hope these standards will help you
prepare our youngest citizens for a bright future.
Eloise Anderson
Secretary State Superintendent
Department of Children and Families
Tony Evers, PhD
State Superintendent
Department of Public Instruction"
Classroom Jobs
-Physical Health and Development: A.EL. 2 Demonstrates behaviors to meet safety needs
-Social and Emotional Development: C.EL. 3 Demonstrates understanding of rules and social expectations.
Haunted House/Ghost match
WMELS:-Mathematical Thinking: B. EL. 1 Demonstrates an understanding of numbers and counting.
-Motor Development: B.EL. 2 exhibits eye-hanD coorDination, strength, controL, and object manipulation
TpT link
Firetruck Shape Template
-Mathematical Thinking: B.EL. 3 expLores, recognizes, and describes shapes and spatial relationships.
-Listening and Understanding: A.EL. 3 Follows directions of increasing complexity
-Motor Development: B.EL. 2 exhibits eye-hanD coorDination, strength, controL, and object manipulation
- Language and Understanding: B. EL. 2a Uses vocalizations and spoken language to communicate. Language Form (Syntax: rule system for combining words, phrases, and sentences, includes parts of speech, word order, and sentence structure)
-Language and Understanding B. EL. 2b Uses vocalizations and spoken language to communicate. Language Content (Semantics: rule system for establishing meaning of words, individually and in combination)
-Language and Understanding B. EL. 2c Uses vocalizations and spoken language to communicate. Language Function (Pragmatics: rules governing the use of language in context)
-Motor Development: B.EL. 2 exhibits eye-hanD coorDination, strength, controL, and object manipulation
Snowflake Measuring
-Mathematical Thinking: B.EL. 5 unDerstanDs the concept of measurement
-Mathematical Thinking: B. EL. 1 Demonstrates an understanding of numbers and counting.
-Motor Development: B.EL. 2 exhibits eye-hanD coorDination, strength, controL, and object manipulation
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